Client Information
About us

PPL believe smaller is better. It doesn’t matter about size its capability that counts. Large can actually be a disadvantage in meeting client specific needs. With PPL you are dealing with the principal. There is no junior partner to whom responsibility will be transferred when the contracts are agreed. There is therefore no decreased accountability, no "handoff" to a less-informed colleague. PPL respects that the client’s interests are at stake and the client should expect the principal's continual involvement. PPL provide resources on a "just-in-time" basis by using its industry knowledge. Our projects do not have to cover excessive overhead, such as multiple offices, large administrative backup, recruiting, partner perks, and so on. We are organised to efficiently provide everything the client needs but nothing more so the client is paying for value and results. We use proven associates to provide the expert knowledge demanded by clients to ensure value.
PPL like to place people with the client from start to finish. Thereby ensuring familiarity with the client, client practices and observance of privacy and confidentiality. In addition, the fewer people working on an account, the fewer "filters" there are to go through and the faster reaction time for PPL to adjust to changing client requirements.
PPL take on a few concurrent projects so that our attention is relatively undiluted. The client doesn't have to "compete" with another dozen or so of our clients.
